Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Guide to Better Cash Flow Management

Poor cash flow management can bring any business down. It accounts for a majority of the failures of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Regardless of the size of a company though, cash flow is what keeps the business going. Here’s a couple of pointers on how to have better cash flow management:
  • Documentation – The leading businesses understand the importance of documenting every single transaction they make. It’s important for you to know where you gain and spend your money. How much of your cash flow you document or keep track of can help determine if your business can expand.
  • Forecasting – Businesses that practice forecasting are better prepared for the economic challenges they will face. Forecasting allows them to determine where spending should be prioritized in order to keep money moving.
  • Preparation – No one can predict the future, but being prepared for a financial disaster is a must for any business. Many businesses set aside money for emergencies. Business owners that fail to properly manage their cash flow often neglect this and unfortunately pay the price.
Cash flow management is very challenging; documentation alone is a difficult task. This is why many business owners have opted to invest in reliable and accurate accounting software. It helps them document, forecast, prepare and have better overall control of their money.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Money Management Solutions Features Cash Flow Management Software

"Naples, Florida (November 26, 2013) – Money Management Solutions, Inc. is featuring Cash Flow Mojo®, their new software for cash flow management that can help business owners have more control over their finances. The program helps them handle money matters more efficiently by enabling them to properly monitor and manage expenses, cash flow, income, and debts. By using the innovative cash flow management software, entrepreneurs will not have to worry about running out of cash. They will be able to make smart financial decisions in order to stash cash in savings while paying bills and debts. Moreover, they will be able to save extra cash because the program acts as a tool for financial planning. As such, it will also help them create a fund that can be used in case of emergencies or as capital for more profit."
